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The Flying Saucers'mystery

Extracts from the Mr Edgard B. DAVIS' conference according to the book of Mr Frank SCULLY (with similarly title) DEL DUCA's Publisher (1950)

I Introduction

  On the 8 MARCH of 1950 in Denver (COLORADO), 350 students of the University left to pass the hour of the lunch in preference to attend at midday and half a talk of a middle-aged old scientist and whose name had not been mentioned by the man who presented him to the audience, himself well known as Mr George T.KOEHLER, editor of an independent radio station of whose the acronym was K.M.Y.R. This conference that has been recorded on disc, has aroused at this period lively controversies among the privileged persons who had followed it. .

II the genesis of the affair

  So during close to fifty minutes, the lecturer asserted that it existed effectively aerial engines called "flying saucers" despite the Air Force affirmations whose authorities claimed to have abandoned all investigations in this area, but who had continued them in secret under an other designation.The lecturer revealed then that 4 flying saucers had really landed on our Earth, in America and that 3 of them were found and examined by specialists of Geophysical (himself appeared to have made part of the group). But he especially declared this sensational information, that 34 beings measuring from 80 cm to one meter were found dead in 3 saucers discovered and studied by scientists.

  The fisrt saucer had landed about 2 years ago before the conference in a place situated less to eight hundred km from Denvers and the examination of the materials of the engine, revealed the existence of 2 metals until here unknown. Saucers were composed with a metallic ring turning around a central cabin. A system of gears united the cabin with the disc that turned itself while the cabin remained immobile.There was no lubricant and the report of multiplication of these gears was completely new for the engineers. The lecturer thought that the saucers moved themselves by using lines of magnetic forces that it is known, surrounding the planets of our solar system and that are told-he to the number of 1257 lines by square centimeters.

  It asserted also that 1700 scientists at least, was in charge of top-secrets works since 1942 for the Government so as to discover the laws of this Earth magnetism . Of the first saucer, it was pulled 16 dead passengers and their corpses were carbonized and of dark brown color. 16 other beings were also found in the second machine, but these latter did not wear any trace of burns and had all of them a clear skin.

  They were also small sized, all without beard, but some had very fine hair resembling to a duvet of a fruit as the peach.The third engine found, had also a crew of only two men, alive at the moment of the landing, but who died in trying to exit from their cabin.

  Concerning the construction of the machines, they were totally different of what we make on the Earth. It was not find there any rivet, nor a bolt, and not a single one screw. Direction boards were composed of several buttons and external parts were made in a light metal as aluminium, but of a hardness resisting of all test. No blowlamp has been able to attack it. No arm was found in the cabins, and in one of them there were of cupboard-beds that could disappear completly in the wall and were automatically concealed by an ingenious system of curtains when they was returnig in their place.

  At the end of his conference the stranger quoted the fact of the discovery of a fourth saucer seen not far from an official test terrain. It was empty when approaching, but scientists wanted to get some photographic equipment and appliance leaved in their car and when they returned to the saucer, they saw small beings rushing there, and the machine disappeared in a flash.At no moment the lecturer indicated what had become to the saucers and their occupants, (so the 34 corpses discovered) neither what was the fate reserved to researches which was made after their different recoveries. Mr F. SCULLY met later personally himself the lecturer, and learnt that he was called : Mr E. B. DAVIS.

III Conclusion.

  So, if the informations of Mr F.SCULLY proven to be exact, the most extraordinary event of our history has been purely and simply disguised to satisfy the thirst of power of a nation, while this event wears in itself, the major reason to unite the Humanity and to finish once and for all with these derisory wars that tear apart up itself for centuries.

Summary and final comment:IDYLLE Fred

  Making out this article on the 08/02/99 and up dating it on the 3/05/2001.


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