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of the "PARIS-MATCH" n° 1028

I Introduction

  The affair of the Watergate that in 1974 brought out the fall of the president Richard Nixon and that was released by the obstinacy and the laborious ardor of two American journalists, will beconsidered without a doubt as a banal anecdote, when the ins and outs of "the Affair of Paris-Match n° 1028" will burst to the daylight. No journalist of profession has until then, neither revealed, nor even, I think, dreamed a day, to have to unveil such an affair. But as tells it so well a sacred text very known "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known."

II Genesis of the affair


   It was in 1972 that I was contacted in Guadeloupe by Mr Michel GIRARD by the intermediary of the Cercle Français de Recherche Ufologiques (CFRU) (a ufo association) whose I was, in this period, an active member. At the end of 1973, Mr GIRARD, then a printer, in his function, showed me a strange anomaly, that he came to discover by enlarging a photography of the hidden face of the Moon, published in the n° 1028 of the well-known french magazine "Paris-Match" of the 18 Jan. 1969 .(To see the picture 1 below:)

I ordered then immediately this n° 1028, from the Paris-Match site, then, in Paris, that I received without problem, approximately 15 days later. I had then all the leisure, to examine with a lens, the anomaly in question and I saw then, that it would present the aspect of a half "aircraft carrier" being near by 26 kilometers long, and whose the central part, would be constituted of spheres close to 4 km diameter which were rising above by an "gigantic arrow." ( See the two pictures below:)

  In the current of second quarter of 1974, the magazine OURANOS (then organ of the CFRU) publishes thanks to my help, the first very plain photography of what I will call henceforth the "superstructure" of the PM n° 1028. Then it was the daily paper FRANCE-ANTILLES that published, on the 14 fev. 1975, a more detailed article , on this question, article that I had sent to it. Then, two new articles will be published by the same newspaper on 31 May 1976, and on 22 August 1979 apon the same subject. Then this will be the French magazine NOSTRA that, like-wise, will publish 2 of my letters, on the 25 July 1979 in the n° 381 and especially on the 8 sept. 1983 in the n° 586, with the photography of the "superstructure" in question. Finally the first book, that will speak of this affair, will be that of Mr Alfred NAHON "Les Extra-Terrestres et les mutations mondiales de l'ère du verseau" published, only in french, by Buchet-Chastel on Jan 1983 p.160.

  As for know if this "superstructure" is natural or artificial, alone the scientific study of the negative slide of the NASA used by Paris-Match for publish this part of the hidden face of the Moon on the page 33 of this n° 1028, will be able to solve this capital question. But here is where the affair takes a peculiar turn, this negative slide is unobtainable, and even the current archives chief of Paris-Match can not give details on coded references of this slide, neither even on the precise destination that has been given to it, after its utilization by this magazine.

  My friend Jean SIDER, author of several books very documented on the ufos (and especially "ULTRA TOP-SECRET ces ovnis qui font peur", prefaced by the famous french enthomologist Mr Rémy CHAUVIN aux Editions AXIS MUNDI in 1990) having made feet and hands to find this negative slide in the town of Paris and also from the NASA and finally he had to abandoned his researches, because all cliches dispatched by the Nasa no longer presenting nothing, to the same site where was supposed to be this "superstructure"; on the Paris-Match 1028. See the red circle of the Nasa picture 1:

To see also the Nasa picture 2:

  But it is to notice, that inside this red circle, we have just drawed, we are showing a sort of a caracteristic ring, which would indicate the result of an application of a king of pastille which would be just a camouflage.
  It remains to us however, the possibility to resort to a
computer image processing, that only, could have restore to us the fineness sought-after of the lines of this cryptic superstructure. All assistance in this area, obviously, would be also the welcome.

  To close this statement, let us note however that soon, as far back as May 1969, Mr Guy TARADE, the french esoterist writer, whose the reputation is no longer to do, pose to us the question in order to know, if the astronauts of this justly Apollo 8 's mission, Jim Lowell, Frank Borman and Bill Anders had not discovered a ufo basis on the hidden face of the Moon. (To see his remarkable book and nevertheless very difficult for find: "Soucoupes volantes et civilisations d'outre-espace"(Flying Saucers and civilizations from over-space), "J'ai Lu " Publisher's n°:A 214.

   Indeed, the 25 th of Dec. of 1968, exactly 93 h 02 mn after the taking off from the Kennedy Cape , despite instistent and reiterated calls of the Houston Center, the Appolo 8 's cabin that was about nevertheless to exit from the electromagnetic cone shade of the Moon, stayed desperately silent, during close to five endless minutes. Then the commander of the shuttle, Lowell pronounced the unexpected sentence and entirely peculiar, while Houston requested him once again to take contact with the Earth:

   "We have been informed that Santa Claus indeed exists "

  It is more than certain that this word of "santa claus" represented a code, because, on the one hand, this word had already been used by an other astronaut Wally Shirra on "Sigma 7" cabin in Oct 62, while an non identified flying object approached near his engine, and on the other hand, when Lowell pronounced the incredible sentence above-mentioned,télémétric controls proven, to this very moment, that he was just receving an strenuous emotion. But let us quote this significant passage Mr TARADE's book:

  "his pulse reached 120 pulsations minute while during the preceding 93 hours, his cardiac rhythm had always been normal. It is almost certain that the crew of Apollo 8, has seen on our satellite, fantastic things but it is too early to render public these discoveries that would risk to lose completly the balance of our society."

  Mr Tarade made without doubt here, allusion to the conclusions of a voluminous report published in Dec. 1960 after an inquiry that has costed close to 200 000 dollars by the Brooking Institute in USA telling that: "the discovery of a race of superior beings inthethe Universe could have cause the collapse of the terrestrial civilization..".and that could have happen at every moment.. Even on our planet, societies have disintegrated themseves, when they have been confronted with a superior society... (to see the Incas, the Aztecs...etc).

  This was true at a period, but can-one today qualify of a morally superior society, a civilization that to impose its life system, (as have made Christoph Colombus, Cortes and others Pizarro..) is going to destroy physically with its most modern arms, an other civilization less advanced. "The reason of the strongest" is-it a cosmic law that is applying everywhere without exception and without pity ?

  If at the period of the cold War, where this Brooking report has been constituted, will we hold this language, 30 years later and seing events that have taken place since, as for example the fall of the Berlin wall of and the disappearance of the USSR, and the considerable efforts made by the UNO and other nongovernmental Organisms, to preserve minorities of this planet, is not-it henceforth urgent to finish a bit with "this secret policy" advocated by some great powers, policy that has only for purpose to divide men and better enslave them, and also to prolong a frantic rush to apocalyptic arms, rush that could only a day, generate of a planetary holocaust?

  Alone the awareness "that we are not alone in the Universe" and that "the choice of a best life exists elsewhere," out of our small planet, will be able therefore to break this excessive pride that characterizes the mandarins that govern us and to oblige them to blow up the physical and also psychological, frontiers that they have slyly installated to separate all these Tearthlings who require only to live in peace for an entire humanism in a nature always more generous, but unfortunatly more and more polluted and that however begins to give the very signs of breathlessnesss. Our children will not hesitate to ask us for explanations, when the time comes , if we delay each time this burst of dignity and remission to save what we can still save of our beautiful Planet..

III Revealing continuation

  On the 8th of February of 1999, I receved from my friend Fabrice Bardeau author of many books and especially at R. Laffont's publishers "the secret keys of the Ancient's chemistry", a photocopy of the page 33 of one Paris-Match n° 1028 that he has had the opportunity to discover in a pack bought in bulk of several Paris-Match magazines. But what was not my surprise with, to discover at the exact place of the superstructure that there was a white stain characteristic of a notorious deletion without doubt executed with a scalpel on the negative before developing, or on the magazine itself. To see the picture 5 below:

   Analyses are going to be released to clear this matter up, that relaunches the suspense of this affair to a very surprising level.

On August 2 of 2000, I received from an engineer and webmaster friend the very rich following information of which I highlited with colors the main passages :

Dear Fred,
I looked with great interest at your site at :

and I was stunned by the article concerning the presence of a 28 km long "artefact" on the moon, discovered onto a picture of Apollo 8 published in Paris-Match (PM) n° 1028. I then decided to investiguate this extraordinary case in depth, and here is what I found:

1°) - I sought from the Web all the Apollo 8 images available, especially on the site of Malin Space Center: and on the NASA site: Alas, the image:        is "troncated" at the right, precisely where the interresting is ...

At least, I found that the brilliant crater on the top right side is the crater Joliot-curie : the allowed me to search the images from the clementine lunar probe, available at the "
Clementine image browser" :
The interesting point is at Latitude 27° North and at longitude 235 East. But the clementine images did'nt show anything special at this place (
at maximum resulotion of 1Km/pixel). Of course this could have been forged. But I used a quantitiy of numeric filters and did not found anything abnormal.

2) I then decided to seek for the 1028 issue of Paris Match, which I found
yesterday in a secondhand trade 500 m far of my home (!) in a batch of a hundred old issues of this review. Indeed, there is " something " at this place on the published photograph. There does'nt seem to have any forgery. But I also noticed that:

- the photograph is a photograph full page of almost all moon, the interesting object measuring less 4mm on this page.
- the photograph has a very average quality :
One finds there in particular many stripes and even a stuck hair (at bottom
- this photo was taken through one of the port-hole of Apollo, these
port-holes were unfortunately often covered with mist, with the result that the resolution is not fantastic. It should not be forgotten that, contrary to the digital images taken by the space probes, "
true" photographs are physical objects which can be polluted by later handling, voluntary or not. My tentative conclusion is that the artifact published in PM can have four origins:

a) A stripe or a pollution (grease, piece of hair) on the negative or on print
which that was used for photocomposition.
b) A reel object, located on the moon, the dimensions of which would be gigantic
c) a space object, located between Apollo and the Moon at the time the photo was
d) a trace on the port-hole of apollo.

In such a case, the right attitude to adopt is systematic doubt : the most
likely hypothesis are
a) or d). Then, there is no more mystery...

As a conclusion : If any OTHER available photo would show the same artefact, we had to cancel this tentative conclusion. But in the absence of such a picture, you must keep doubting...

I therefore searched my personal library for moon pictures. Since it is one of my favorite interests, I have many of them, specially in press books from Times and Associated press, and I did not find anything strange.
Doubt is the engine of science. Imagination is its fuel. Certainty is its brake."

It should be said clearly that the "
artefact" hypothesis is only an

 |  Serge Boisse                                         |
 |  ODS FRANCE project,  |
 |  tel: (0)562 14 5731  |
 |  homepages:          |
 |  and:    |

   For the persons that would want to obtain this famous number 1028 of 18 January 1969, whose price is near of 120 F, it is first useful of to know that Paris-Match has henceforth decentralized its sale of the ancient numbers whose antiquity exceeds 2 years to the next address:


PARIS-MATCH Service de Documentation

151, rue Anatole-France


Tel 01 41347246 (Mar et Mer de 11h " 13h et 14h30 " 17h30)

  To make move, the team of this review it would be without doubt, useful to take contact, discreetly, with Mr PINEAU Thierry, who was in1992, responsible of the correspondence with the readers of Paris-Match, who works to the registered office: Paris Match BP 2, 59718 Lille Cedex 9 and who is in acquaintance with this affair and who also had promised us, in 1992, during our passage to Paris, to make researches on this subject, but who until this 29/07/2000, has not giving any answer .

  On the other hand, to have the certainty that a non identified "submarine" may has intervened in the corridors of Paris-Match to make disappear the negative slide of the photography of the page 33 of the n° 1028, a discreet inquest, would be issued necessary and it could have allow, in addition, to determine the next points:

1º) It would be very interesting to know, if possible, how much copies of the n° 1028, it had been drawn in this period for the exit of 18 jan. 1969? This number is without doubt near to a million of copies and especially how much is it resting now, in stock.

2º) Is it possible to know what has become the WORLD BOOK Agency that would have lended, so appears-it, the unobtainable negative slide to Paris-Match? The discovery of the warehouse of the archivess of this agency would be a capital point of this inquiry.

3º) Is it possible to find still, the trace of Mrs ou Miss Monique VALLS who wrote , at this time, the article page 33 of the n° 1028 and who presented then the admirable photographs of the hidden face of the Moon, that we had no longer ever meet later in Paris-Match and who knew without doubting the last address of Word Book?

4º) It would be finally also judicious to verify, if Paris-Match is worth keeping in its archives of the slides of those others pictures of the Moon appeared in pages 35, 37, 39 of the famous n° 1028.

III Conclusion

  If this last points, would prove themselves positive, this occurrence would teach us, without the shade of a doubt that "one" hides us , in "High Circles", things of a capital importance for all the Humanity, and in this case, it belongs to all person, attentive to discover the lesser detail, even tiny, in this affair, to inform us, about it, the most rapidly possible, in order that this fact, would gush, a near day, this truth that seems nevertheless still incredible and so inaccessible.

  If you want to know more about the Moon and the cosmic questions, please have the boldness to click on the addresses below:
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/myslune.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/mars.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/mercure.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/remucos.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/Nasajury.html

And still in french to be translate:
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/RoseC.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/luneorth.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/lettreouverteSA.html
http://perso. /fidylle/docs/lettreouverteSVJ.html

  If you want to know others sites of the cosmic questions please have the boldness to click on the addresses below:

  Making out this article on the 21/04/98 and up dating it on the 17/04/2001.


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