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F.IDYLLE © 1997

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From the Internet in direct plug connection to the flying car.

I Introduction

  On Tuesday the 7 of October 1997, the FRENCH-PRESS AGENCY relayed by the dayly paper FRANCE-ANTILLES came out with this incredible information that we deliver to you literally .

  "The access to Internet would be possible through the electrical system.   A company of Canadian telephone Nortel (Northern Telecom) and the British electricity company Norweb indicated Monday the discovery of a new way to access to the world system Internet, by the way of the electrical cables .

  The two companies, will detail this new technique Wednesday in London, asserted in a press release that they had succeeded a technological breakthrough allowing an access to Internet at low price and large speed, by using the domestic electrical supply.

  the computer data will be transported at home on the electrical system, declared a spokesman of the two companies. This method will offer an alternative to classic telephoning transmission and cable television system, has-he added, without giving any more precisions.

  The technology, has been tested successfully, is ready for a mass market, has the potential to stimulate a major growth in the usage of Internet, and is going to change the future of the electric companies , have estimated the two companies." End of the article of the France-Press Agency

II the genese of the affair.

  We have waited with impatience, the indicated Wednesday , that this sensational information (that has not been distributed, nevertheless, a first April), is beeing to report back by all the television and radio channels and apart from "Canal Plus" that would have spoken on it, succinctly (we have not unfortunately been able to record this information, this day ) it was the total black-out, until the appearance, five months later, on fev. 1998 from the nº 985 "Science et Vie" review that finally speaks of it only on two pages, then also the emission of television of 24 Mars 1998 "Internet:do with it" that discloses on it some characteristics during two minutes and thirty seconds approximately.

  All this events shows us once more, than we are manipulated at a hightest level and as soon as an information concerns the interest of the Multinational Companies more or less secret, it may inevitably pass through the trap in order to allow that these who hold the reins of the autority power is able to organize and prepare their counterattack.

  This counterattack is only elsewhere a strategy to insure of comfortable Markets'shares before running the reaction of the ordinary man that, in this occasion, always is made a fool of . It has been always so, up to this day, but the rapid means of data circulation will render, we hope so , the "counter-attack" of this "Conspiracy" more and more difficult.

  Let us take also, to illustrate by ending this purpose, the case, not about the electrical car that had got a lot of problems to assert itself though it existed as far back as 1880 and that has been able however to reach already in 1899 the record speed of 105.88 km/ h near to Paris (with the model named "the Jamais-Contante"),but the very "flying car " that according to the "Science et vie review of May 1958 " got the name of "the Piasecki 59 k flying Jeep," and had to be built in mass production, at this time, in USA. It had the form a "8 " with 2 rotors. ( Please see the picture below:)

and could transport 3 soldiers in a central passenger compartement.

  This same review, presented also the prototype of what had to be the "air family four-door car" with 4 rotors anticipated for 1965 and that was going to allow us, tells-one already, to avoid congestions of the road traffic of these period. Note however also the model of 1990, M 400 that we have never seen any more, in televised news, and that with 8 rotors, could take off vertically with its 4 passengers and reach close to 650 km/ h to a maximal altitude of 9144 m for the price of a big modern house. (1 500000 F)

III Conclusion.

  This flying car of 1958 and also that one of 1990 without any doubt still more sophisticated than the precedent, that would have obviously been able to be perfected regularly, thanks to progresses made in the way concerning new light and very resistant materials and also performant electronics equipment and whose prices would have considerably declined currently , have of course been throw out by magnates of Air Companies and especially by Governmental Authorities who cannot look favourably that the modest fellow could fly away , as he likes , to more clement skies without being obliged to show his identity papers at the frontiers, to pay of heap taxes ( airport and a lot of others) and without being able to be followed when he wants to leave the national territory. Too much of liberty for the individual fellow, pillar and money pump of the country, is not a situation to develop soon. Those who possess, of course, private jets and helicopters as they will, do not belong themselves, in this commun category.

  "A word to the wise is enough."

  Making out this article on the 03/03/99 and up dating it on the 03/05/2001.


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