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The presence of planes in Indian traditional texts

I Introduction

   "There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after."(Words of the ECCLESIATE chap.1 vers.11.)" This quotation seems perfectly to concentrate on the content of sanscrit texts of India describing hardly believable facts.

II The genesis of the affair.

  Indeed the international Academy of Mysore city of the state of karntaka in India has published, in eight chapters, a report derived from a manuscript dating several millennia that described already, at this period, the art to manufacture various types of planes destined to" travel comfortably in the sky and also to establish bonds with all the universe to the welfare of all the humanity."   These vehicles called "vimanas"can move by their own means, on the water and in the air and even from planet to planet.They can stay at as a dead stop still high in the sky and have devices of very perfected camouflages. They are equipped with devices of detection for enemy machine and they can even also to photograph them. These vimanas are machines constituted of 31 indispensable pieces and build with 16 different metal categories.   Pilots of these aerial vehicles, in addition, have to use different combinations and they must follow a particular food regime, and all that, in function of seasons. The food is holding out exclusively under five different forms (cooked grains, gruels, dough, bread and extracts), healthy and tonic foods, and whose programming allows to avoid twenty-five sorts of toxins that used to poison the organism.   Who will again, be able to tell, in front of this luxury of details that gives us this old manuscript, that all this, only concerns , in fact, a work of fiction without great interest, when famous researchers have found it sufficiently fascinating to pull from it, a so remarkable report?   There are more in Indian tradition texts others staggering descriptions as those of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata describing flabbergasted misdeeds of Indian Gods disputing the supremacy on the Earth with knockings of weapons so frightening that they exceed amply, our first atomic bombs. For example, one finds in the Drona Parva: " Jarasandha, getting caught with ire, launched on us, to destroy us, a projectile capable to kill all creatures of the Earth. Projecting a vivid light, this mass of fire shared the firmament in two, as a furrow separates hair on the head. When it saw the flamboyant object, the son of Rohimi launched against it the called arm Sthunakarma, and this arm destroyed the power of the adverse projectile, that fell on the earth and splited it by quaking the mountains ". (Extracts from the book: Astronauts of the Ancient Orient of W.R. DRAKE at A. Michel)

III Conclusion

  All that, shows us well, once more, than mythologies of peoples have got in store priceless knowledge treasures on the past of our planet that seems to have been far more extraordinary that one does not imagine it habitually.   Let us remind again to finish some words the EcclÈsiate that illustrate, one more time, our small talk:   "The thing that has been, it is that which done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun". Chap. I vers.9.
  But there is still better:"Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See this is new? it has been already of old time , which was before us." Chap. I vers.10.

  Making out this article on the 20/09/98 and up dating it on the 29/04/2001.


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